This tribute was used to support a powerful fleet and, after the middle of the century, to fund massive public works programs in Athens, causing resentment. That's why I want to tell you about their differences. However, the Athenian warships participated in the battle nevertheless, and the arrival of additional Athenian triremes was enough to dissuade the Corinthians from exploiting their victory, thus sparing much of the routed Corcyrean and Athenian fleet.[17]. %PDF-1.4 According to the textbook World Civilizations, Sparta is located in the southern Peloponnesus about eighty miles from Athens. Sparta . Parnon (1,935 m). /SMask /None>> He prevented the Athenian fleet from attacking Athens; instead, he helped restore democracy by more subtle pressure. From 414 BC, Darius II, ruler of the Achaemenid Empire had started to resent increasing Athenian power in the Aegean and had his satrap Tissaphernes enter into an alliance with Sparta against Athens, which in 412 BC led to the Persian reconquest of the greater part of Ionia. The Athenian force consisted of over 100 ships and some 5,000 infantry and light-armored troops. [18] The Corinthians, outraged by these actions, encouraged Potidaea to revolt and assured them that they would ally with them should they revolt from Athens. Taygetus (2,407 m) and to the east by Mt. These ships were then released, and served as the core of the Athenians' fleet throughout the rest of the war. Athens and Sparta comparison activity. 1 2 . The people of Syracuse were ethnically Dorian (as were the Spartans), while the Athenians, and their ally in Sicilia, were Ionian. [25][26], Facing the resurgence of Athens, from 408 BC, Darius II decided to continue the war against Athens and give stronger support to the Spartans. ~��-����J�Eu�*=�Q6�(�2�]ҜSz�����K��u7�z�L#f+��y�W$ �F����a���X6�ٸ�7~ˏ 4��F�k�o��M��W���(ů_?�)w�_�>�U�z�j���J�^�6��k2�R[�rX�T �%u�4r�����m��8���6^��1�����*�}���\����ź㏽�x��_E��E�������O�jN�����X�����{KCR �o4g�Z�}���WZ����p@��~��T�T�%}��P6^q��]���g�,��#�Yq|y�"4";4"'4"�g���X������k��h�����l_�l�n�T ��5�����]Qۼ7�9�`o���S_I}9㑈�+"��""cyĩЈ,��e�yl������)�d��Ta���^���{�z�ℤ �=bU��驾Ҹ��vKZߛ�X�=�JR��2Y~|y��#�K���]S�پ���à�f��*m��6�?0:b��LV�T �w�,J�������]'Z�N�v��GR�'u���a��O.�'uIX���W�R��;�?�6��%�v�]�g��������9��� �,(aC�Wn���>:ud*ST�Yj�3��ԟ��� endobj Athens sent out a sizable contingent (4,000 hoplites), but upon its arrival, this force was dismissed by the Spartans, while those of all the other allies were permitted to remain. Although the term "Peloponnesian War" was never used by Thucydides, one of the conflict's most important historians, the fact that the term is all but universally used today is a reflection of the Athens-centric sympathies of modern historians. Under Gylippus, the Syracusans and their allies were able to decisively defeat the Athenians on land; and Gylippus encouraged the Syracusans to build a navy, which was able to defeat the Athenian fleet when they attempted to withdraw. The people of Athens were interested in arts, music, and intellectual pursuits. Com Sparta Vs Athens Vs. For Sparta, the strength of the military relied heavily on an army that consisted of the most trained and most powerful warriors of antiquity. Themistocles is forced to an unwilling alliance with the traditional rival of Athens, oligarchic Sparta whose might lies with its superior infantry troops. At the end of the first year of the war, Pericles gave his famous Funeral Oration (431 BC). The Athenians crushed the revolt, and peace was maintained. Sparta was later humbled by Thebes at the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC, but the rivalry between Athens and Sparta was brought to an end a few decades later when Philip II of Macedon conquered all of Greece except Sparta, which was later subjugated by Philip's son Alexander in 331 BC. Women were able to receive an education, have property, and as girls were trained in group exercises and agility. If I had the option to live in Ancient Sparta or Ancient Athens, I would undoubtedly select Athens. The Peloponnesian War (431–404 BC) was an ancient Greek war fought by the Delian League led by Athens against the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta.Historians have traditionally divided the war into three phases. For a time during this conflict, Athens controlled not only Megara but also Boeotia; at its end, however, in the face of a massive Spartan invasion of Attica, the Athenians ceded the lands they had won on the Greek mainland, and Athens and Sparta recognized each other's right to control their respective alliance systems. What then ensued was a period, referred to as the Pentecontaetia (the name given by Thucydides), in which Athens increasingly became in fact an empire,[8] carrying out an aggressive war against Persia and increasingly dominating other city-states. The Lacedaemonians were not content with simply sending aid to Sicily; they also resolved to take the war to the Athenians. Both Brasidas and Cleon were killed in Athenian efforts to retake Amphipolis (see Battle of Amphipolis).

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